Video Summary Worship service featuring the sermon “Away Yet Closer” given by Guest Preacher Rev. Jim Keating; including scriptures from Acts 1:1-14, Psalm 68:1-10, 32-35; and music performed by music director Risa Poniros, pianist Cheryl Walker and the choir.
Pour Out Your Heart
Video Summary Worship service featuring the sermon “Pour Out Your Heart” given by Guest Preacher Dr. Tom Ogburn; including scriptures from 2 Thessalonians 1:11-12, Psalm 62; and music performed by music director Risa Poniros, pianist Cheryl Walker and the choir.
When I Am Weak, Then I Am Strong
Video Summary Worship service featuring the sermon “When I Am Weak, Then I Am Strong” given by Guest Preacher Dr. Tom Ogburn; including scriptures from 2 Corinthians 12:5-10, Psalm 25:1-7; and music performed by music director Risa Poniros, pianist Cheryl
Redeemed, How I Love to Proclaim It
Video Summary Worship service featuring the sermon “Redeemed, How I Love to Proclaim It” given by Guest Preacher Dr. Tom Ogburn; including scriptures from John 21:15-23, Psalm 103:1-12; and music performed by music director Risa Poniros, pianist Cheryl Walker and
The Only Stranger
Video Summary Worship service featuring the sermon “The Only Stranger” given by Guest Preacher Dr. Tom Ogburn; including scriptures from Luke 24:13-35, Psalm 66:1-8; and music performed by music director Risa Poniros, guest pianist Julie Bradley and the choir.
A Scandalous Report
Video Summary Worship service featuring the sermon “A Scandalous Report” given by Guest Preacher Dr. Tom Ogburn; including scriptures from Matthew 28:11-15; and music performed by music director Risa Poniros, guest pianist Julie Bradley and the choir. We welcome
The Glorious Resurrection
Video Summary An Easter Celebration service featuring special music on piano, organ, and trumpet with Easter message “The Glorious Resurrection” given by Guest Preacher Charles Allard; including scriptures from 1 Corinthians 15:1-9; and music performed by music director Risa Poniros
A Table, a Towel, and a Basin
Video Summary We welcome you to this service of reflection and remembrance led by guest Preacher Dr. Tom Ogburn in his message “A Table, a Towel, and a Basin”. On this Maundy Thursday, we remember the love of our Lord
The Joy Set Before Him
Video Summary A Psalm Sunday service featuring special music by the choir with piano accompaniment, and message “The Joy Set Before Him” given by Guest Preacher Charles Allard; including scriptures from Hebrews 12:1-3. Special Music: THE BLOOD WILL NEVER LOSE
From Death to Life
Video Summary Worship service featuring the sermon “From Death to Life” given by Guest Preacher Rev. Grant Gubbins; including scriptures from Romans 8:6-11, Ezekiel 37:1-14; and music performed by music director Risa Poniros, pianist Cheryl Walker and the choir.