I enjoy playing solitaire on the computer or on my Ipad. The other day as I was finishing up my game of Spider solitaire, I noticed a card played many cards back that I should have played in my foundation row. That is, if I had been paying proper attention to the game. I had not won the game and I was curious what the outcome of the game would have been had I played that card to the foundation at the proper time. I used the backup button at the bottom of the screen and went back and played the card to the foundation when it first appeared. I still didn’t win that game, but I did get a higher score!
Then I started to think, how many times has God tried to tell me something and I wasn’t paying attention? How often has something turned out “OK” when it could have been “great” or even “wonderful” because I wasn’t paying attention to God’s message.
Back to solitaire. There have been times in a game when a card has turned up that could be played more than one way. Do I put it immediately on the foundation and have sure points, or do I play it somewhere else that might result in another card I need coming to light.
Again, when God tells us something, do we listen or do we wait to see if God is going to change his mind?
I am trying to be better at listening.
Ellen Collins