I want to draw your attention to two minor changes in our order of worship beginning this Sunday, upon my recommendation and with the approval of the Deacons. But first let me ask–can you imagine having a final exam and not preparing ahead, or having a job interview with no preparation, or hosting a dinner party with no preparation, or playing another team in the NCAA tournament with no preparation.

Having said all that, can you imagine experiencing the fullness of worship with no preparation given at all. Anything worth doing well requires preparation, yet we often come to worship with little to no serious preparation given at all. The most important hour of the week and often we flip the switch and enter into worship with little to no preparation given at all.

Did you make sure to go to bed at a proper hour the night before? Did you spend time in prayer for those leading in worship and for your soul to be receptive to God’s Spirit. And so in the Sunday bulletin Order of Worship instead of the first line reading “Prelude” (which implies before the action begins) it will now read “Preparation for Worship” with the hope that while Cheryl is playing the piano you are preparing for an encounter with the Holy Spirit. That’s when real worship begins, not everything that follows.

I also believe it makes sense to hear the reading of Scripture immediately before the message so it connects in more obvious ways. Therefore, immediately after the anthem, it will be a time of prayer, then the Scripture reading, then message. I hope these changes, while simple, will be helpful and make worship even more likely to be experienced.

What would it look like for you to prepare for worship? Don’t you believe it would certainly make a difference in what follows? So BE PREPARED! You never know when God is about to make His appearance.

Brave Journey,