I’ve said for years that February is my least favorite month. It just seems like winter is never going to end and by the end of February I’m ready for a change of temperature.
My sermon series is about living a life of joy so I’m going to take the lessons from my message this past Sunday to heart and choose to make February my JOY MONTH!.
These are the lessons the Apostle Paul gives us from a jail cell (and I thought cold weather was bad!)
- Look beyond the circumstances and look to God.
- In so many things in life it’s not what happens to you, it’s what our response to it is.
- In every circumstance in life our interest ought to be that His name be praised.
- Never see your present circumstance as the last word because
God always has the last word.
An overall view—-I”m not going to draw any conclusions until I see what God does with it.
So I’m ready to enjoy this February. I have a quick trip to the beach planned with best friends. Valentine’s Day will remind me how I won the prize with Kathy as my wife. And who knows—maybe even another snow will come our way. It’s all a choice we make and the good news is we are not alone. God is our constant partner and ultimate giver of all JOY!
Brave Journey, Bill