With the beginning of a new year comes the typical new year’s resolutions that you promise to do better this year— weight loss, financial management, travel, self-care. May I add one that I believe can make a real difference— taking a few minutes each day to read a daily devotional. Find the time that works best for you. I like to read a devotional the last thing before turning off the lights to go to sleep at night. I want that to be the last thing going in me before falling to sleep. Probably even better is to start the day and let that flavor all that you face. But here are a few sites of devotionals I recommend:
The one I am using is a booklet that can be ordered. It is published by Smyth and Helwys, the same publisher that we use for our Sunday School lesson. It is called Reflections and can be ordered by going to www.nextsunday.com/reflections.
You wouldn’t go a day without eating or drinking. So your soul needs daily nourishment as well. It is important that you find a rhythm that works for you and not to be harsh on yourself if you miss a day here and there. But this can only add to your life and it is as easy as pulling it up on your phone. So here’s to a New Year that each day brings reminders of God’s good word.
Brave Journey,