Kathy and I celebrated our 39th wedding anniversary this past Saturday (actually she was out of town) and it is the smartest thing I ever did. Way back then, we met with my college chaplain for pre-marital counseling. He shared with us his three non-negotiables for a successful marriage. I have been sure to share the same with countless couples whose ceremonies I performed through the years.

Here they are:
1) Continue to date each other. Never stop doing those extra special things that make the other feel valued and not taken for granted.
2) Never go to bed with a difference unresolved. This speaks to the importance of communication and honestly sharing and listening to each other’s feelings.
3) Continue to worship, together and alone. Always keep Christ at the center of your relationship. Someone has said “a marriage without Christ is like a 3 legged stool with one leg missing.” It doesn’t work.

And through the years, after listening to the heartache of many marriages, I have added a 4th—-never get in greater debt than you can afford. There is nothing you can buy that has enough power to satisfy beyond the stress of getting in debt you can’t afford.

Kathy has been my rock and the real secret to not only my ministry but my life. May you know the same.

Brave Journey, Bill