This past Sunday I missed church. I don’t say that very often and when I do nothing could be more true. Sure, going to church is a habit, and yes, I know I get paid to do it. But as a friend of mine once said I totally agree—“IF somehow it was proven tomorrow that there was no Jesus and it was all a lie I would still go to church because of the difference it makes in my life.”
Fortunately it is no lie but I understand the sentiment. Why go to church? Because I need to be around people who remind me of God. Because I need to be reminded that I am part of a story greater than myself. Because I need to be with those who carry me when I could not carry myself. Because I am wired to worship and I need once a week to gather with others to share my adoration and love of God. And quite frankly I have never found a group of people so special to be with than those who are my church family.
Church attendance matters. Something rare and precious is lost every time you substitute anything for it. And when so much as a single one of you is not present then something gets lost in my experience. That is why the church is called the Body of Christ. Each of you are members of the body and the truth is the body can’t function fully when even one part of it is missing. So this past Sunday, though I am far away, I was thinking of you with gratitude and anticipation of seeing you this Sunday.
Brave Journey,