We did it! We collected 207 hygiene kits! I have nothing but gratitude for the enthusiasm and generous response that our church family gave to the Hygiene Kit Mission Project. You accepted the challenge and went right to work purchasing the supplies, putting the kits together and delivering them to the church on time. We are also grateful to a good number of “friends of the church” for their contributions. Thanks to Iva Snyder and Lynda Weaver who prepared kits for those who could not shop for the supplies. It was all a very successful team effort.
We are grateful to Church World Services and to Representative David Mallory for including us in this wonderful ministry of providing hygiene kits for disaster relief. The unusual increase in storms across our nation and the resulting devastation offers a unique mission opportunity to respond in Christian love to the needs that are inevitable.
We are grateful to Progressive Service Company of Raleigh for their prompt emergency response to the water pipe break that occurred at our church last Thursday evening. Fortunately Gamblers Anonymous was meeting at the time the break occurred and heard the sound of rushing water. Scott Warner, the group leader, called to report the problem at 10pm. Whitt Stallings and I were able to shut the water off. Fortunately, no damage occurred inside the church building. The repair was made in a matter of hours on Friday enabling the youth group to have their special 30 Hours Famine meeting and enabling us to have our full schedule activities on Sunday.
God is blessing Crabtree Valley Baptist Church. The joy, enthusiasm and welcoming spirit as we gather for Bible Study and Worship each week is wonderful. We are a small church with a BIG HEART. To God be the Glory!
In His love,