“5 Things to Pray for your Church” a book written by Rachel Jones
Each section of this book lists five things to pray about the section’s title. The following is the section Rachel Jones wrote concerning Children:
- Give Thanks. (Psalm 78:4 Give thanks for “the praise-worthy deeds of the Lord”.) Think of the Bible story that you loved most as a child or a new believer. Thank God for all he did in history and for the fact that now, thousands of years later, you have “heard and known” about it. Praise God for “His power and the wonders he has done” — especially his wonderful work of rescuing sinners through the death and resurrection of Jesus.
- Whole Church Involvement. (Psalm 78:4 We will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord.) Notice the word “we”, sharing God’s praiseworthy deeds with children is a responsibility for all God’s people. Pray that our church would be a nurturing family where every child has lots of spiritual “aunts and uncles” committed to their growth. Pray for opportunities to invest meaningfully in the lives of children at our church.
- Faithful Bible Teaching. (Psalm 78:5 The Lord decreed statutes for Jacob which He commanded our ancestors to teach their children.) Pray for those particularly in teaching the Bible to children — for parents as well as leaders. Pray for some of these individuals by name that they would teach the Bible faithfully and clearly, and model what it looks like to obey God’s commands.
- Trust in God. (Psalm 78:7 Pray that the children of our church would “put their trust in God”.) No amount of Sunday-school lessons or Bible-club lessons can make a child a Christian — this only happens by God’s grace. So ask Him now that children in our church would “put their trust in God”. Spend some time praying this for specific children you know.
- Fruit for Years to Come. (Psalm 78:7 Pray that the children would “not forget God’s deeds” as they grow up, but that they would continue to walk with Jesus.) Pray that what they learn now would be laying the groundwork for a mature faith in adulthood. Look ahead 30 years and pray that one day these children “in turn would tell their children” (v.6). Pray that keeping a long-term perspective would guard parent and leaders from discouragement.
Submitted by Gene Sherwood
Praying for our Children