As we continue our look at words to encourage us and draw us closer to God, the next word starts with the letter “Q” and the word is quiet. For us to draw closer to God, and strengthen our relationship with God, there are times when we need to be quiet and listen to Him. Quiet….silence…two words that sound very good in the midst of chaos and busyness in our lives.
Psalm 46:10, a very well known verse, says, “be still and know that I am God…” Joel Ryan, in an article for Christianity.com, talks about how this verse was probably written to the people of Israel during a time of war and fighting their enemies. It was written to them to help them understand the key to being in control of the situation at hand was to understand who was in control, and that was God. God wanted them to stop what they were doing. Stop their fighting, enter into quietness and allow themselves to focus on God as the one who could help them defeat their enemies.
We have all heard this verse of scripture that is mostly read at funerals for families who are struggling with the loss of loved ones. However, grief is not the only time we need to step back and listen for the voice of God, knowing He is in control. Sickness, broken relationships, family dynamics and career shake-ups are also times when we may feel as though our world is spinning out of control. When we get this feeling, we tend to want to try and control, or fix things ourselves. At times, taking control may help. At other times, taking control may cause things to spin out of control more and things may feel worse. When this happens, we may tend to pull back in our relationship with God. Fighting through the chaos may cause us to feel we have to handle things on our own.
I think it is important to hear the words of the verse again, with the additional words we sometimes fail to read. “Be still (quiet) and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.” It is in reading the last part of the verse that helps us be still. God will be exalted. God is God. No matter what happens in life God is God. His role in our lives is to help us and to be there for us, no matter what. When we attempt to handle things on our own we are essentially trying to do God’s job and fill HIs role. That is why God needs us to step back and allow Him to be God. Are there battles you are trying to win on your own? If so, be still, or quiet and let God be God. You will then see the reasons to exalt Him. Today, let’s be still and allow God to work in our lives. Until next week…
Peace and Blessings,