The Lord’s entry into Jerusalem took place at the height of His fame just before the greatest of Israel’s national festivals, the Passover, which corresponds to our Easter.
We all know Palm Sunday as the time of Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem. We first think of Jesus sending two of His disciples for the donkey/colt on which He would ride. As Jesus entered Jerusalem many people threw their cloaks down on the road while others cut the branches from trees and spread them on the road. The people shouted and began to praise God, “Hosanna to the Son of David”.
Did You Know?
- That a colt is a male baby horse, donkey or zebra?
- That the donkey symbolizes humility, peace and Davidic royalty?
- That “spreading their cloaks on the road” was an act of royal homage?
- That the multitudes who had heard Jesus in Galilee now followed Him to Jerusalem, where the raising of Lazarus had advanced Jesus’ fame further? Even the Greeks were asking to see Him.
- That the word branches means “leaves” or “leafy branches” which were readily available in nearby fields? Only John mentions “branches of palm trees” which apparently came from Jericho. Jericho is known as the city of palm trees (Duet. 34:3). Palm trees do not grow in Jerusalem.
Submitted by Peninah Brown
Information from Bible Study Fellowship, NIV
Palm Sunday