“For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me...” Matthew 25:35
At Crabtree Valley Baptist Church, we strive to “feed the hungry” by providing non-perishable food and a few personal hygiene items to our neighbors who are in need of a little extra help.
Hope Pantry is open each Wednesday, 9 am – noon. Visits to the pantry are limited to one time per week. We serve the following zip codes: 27607, 27608, 27609, 27612 and 27615.
If you would like to donate non-perishable items to Hope Pantry, please drop them off on Sunday mornings or Monday through Thursday, 9 am – 3 pm. Find out more about Hope Pantry by emailing cvbc@crabtreevalleybaptist.org or calling 919-781-5345.
Donations of the following items are needed on a regular basis:
cereal, oatmeal, grits
canned vegetables (green beans, corn, peas, tomatoes, potatoes)
canned fruits
Ramen noodles
Spaghetti sauce and noodles
Macaroni and cheese
Rice, Instant potatoes
Fruit juice (plastic bottles and juice boxes)
Peanut butter and jelly
Ravioli and Spaghetti O’s
Canned soup
Canned or powdered milk
Canned meats (chicken, tuna, spam, vienna sausages, beef)
Toiletries: soap, toothpaste/brushes, toilet tissue