Have you looked at your check book lately? Perhaps you have and perhaps you haven’t. With credit cards, bank drafts, Online Bill Payments and Pay Pal it’s possible that you don’t use your check book as often as you once did. Regardless of how you pay your bills, it is a wise practice to keep a record somewhere of where you money is going. Some people rely totally on their monthly bank statement but even banks make mistakes and caution you to keep your own records.
My next question is a follow up of the previous question. Do you carefully monitor your spending habits? Do you consciously know where your money is going each month?
Back when checkbooks were the standard way that people paid their bills, Evangelist Billy Graham made two statements that are worthy of our attention. He said, “Give me five minutes with a person’s checkbook and I will tell you where their heart is.” On another occasion he said, “A checkbook is a theological document. It will tell you who and what you worship.”
Responsible people keep a track of their spending habits. In other words, they know where their money is going. They are serious about handling money. They care how and where their money is spent. Regardless of how bills are paid, responsible people keep records.
What does your record keeping tell you about your theology? What does your record keeping tell you about your heart and your worship? Can you look at your spending history and honestly say that God and His Kingdom’s Work is at the top of your priorities? Do you give God the first fruits of your income or the left overs or nothing at all? God doesn’t request our first fruits, he requires them. The Apostle Paul didn’t stop with saying that the tithe (one tenth of your income) was the required amount that one should give to God. Paul said that we should give in proportion to what we have received. For some, a tithe is a mere tip or contribution to God while others with less income find it a reasonable amount. What a shame that some people give more to a waitress or waiter in a restaurant than they give to God. That is not to say that those who serve us should not be rewarded. Americans are known to spend more on their pets than they give to God for the work of His Kingdom.
When it comes to God’s Work and God’s Church, does your giving reflect a generous, loving heart? Does it show that you have your priorities in order? Are there some changes you need to make to bring honor to God and express your love to Him?
In His Love,