If for some reason you miss a worship service, just remember, you really don’t have to miss it at all. Thanks to the work of Yilong & Elizabeth our services are recorded each Sunday and by midweek are available to you at the time of your choosing. If you have a computer, smartphone or iPad you can experience the worship service by going to our church website at www.crabtreevalleybaptist.org, click on messages and choose the message you want to hear. You can also go to youtube, type in Crabtree Valley Baptist Church and watch the video of our worship there.
Modern technology is wonderful in providing instant, on demand viewing of just about anything that we find significant today. By tuning in at your convenience, you are able to keep up with what is going on in your church. We hope that you will take advantage of these broadcasts and if you find them beneficial, take time to introduce family, friends, past members, or neighbors to your church by encouraging them to visit our website or youtube.
Watching our services on one of your modern devices is great when circumstances prevent you from being present. But if you are well and able to attend and you are not away on vacation or business, being physically present with God’s people in a worship service is far more beneficial. Being in the actual service enables you to feel the presence of God at work in that moment of time in the sanctuary. The dynamic of worshiping with God’s people in the sanctuary, singing the hymns of praise with fellow Christians and feeling the spirit of God in a live setting of worship is far better than watching a service on modern devices.
I want to encourage you to be present in Bible Study and Worship as much as you can. In fact, I strongly urge you to make worship at Crabtree Valley Baptist Church a priority in your life. Your physical presence is a testimony to the importance you give God and your church. I never forget the answer my grandfather, J.E. Allard at age 90, gave to a church member who said to him, “Mr. Allard, we know that you are often not feeling well and that you are unable to hear the message being preached, we will certainly understand if you decide to stay home on Sunday.” He replied, “I come because I don’t want anyone to confuse whose side I am on!”
In His Love,