Living in Exile

Video Summary Worship service featuring the sermon “Living in Exile” given by Guest Preacher Ms. Taylor Edwards; including scriptures from Revelation 1:4-11, Deuteronomy 31:6-8; and music performed by music director Risa Poniros, pianist Cheryl Walker and the choir.   This

Prayer Power

Video Summary Worship service featuring the sermon “Prayer Power” given by Guest Preacher Rev. Charles Allard; including scriptures from Ephesians 3:20-21; and music performed by music director Risa Poniros, pianist Cheryl Walker and the choir.   This week we welcome

Away Yet Closer

Video Summary Worship service featuring the sermon “Away Yet Closer” given by Guest Preacher Rev. Jim Keating; including scriptures from Acts 1:1-14, Psalm 68:1-10, 32-35; and music performed by music director Risa Poniros, pianist Cheryl Walker and the choir.