Sunday’s church conference was brief but significant. I could not be more delighted and encouraged to know that Ashley Walker is beginning her ministry among us to the youth. Ashley is a product of CVBC, having grown up and being nurtured by it. Her lineage is the very best as she is the daughter of Cheryl and Randy Walker. Already she is making plans of how to develop the youth ministry and make it a significant part of our church’s life. Keep Ashley in your prayers and encourage and support her at every opportunity. I often say “the youth are not the future of the church, they are the church now.

It was also significant to be voting on the Leadership Directory of the church. The church at its best depends on “all hands on deck” and to the extent it lives out being the body of Christ it thrives and makes an impact on the world. Every person has at least one spiritual gift and it is critical that everyone do their part. There are still many ministry positions still vacant and I invite you to consider where you can make a difference.

A special thanks to the Personnel Committee for their recommendation of Ashley and to the Nominating Committee for their work in filling the many ministry opportunities our church allows.

Church conferences can be tedious and even feel lifeless at times but yesterday was a day for celebration.

Brave Journey,