The start of a new year brings with it all kinds of hopes and dreams and resolutions. What are yours? I don’t do resolutions but I do try to take stock of my life at times and put it along what I believe God’s design is for me. There are pieces of my life that seem to “fit” and I try to make sure I keep them alive and growing. There are other pieces of my life that seem to be filled with voices that take me away from my best self. I sometimes say “I feel like there is a bad committee meeting going on in my heart” and I have to still the noise in my life and get back in tune with God’s voice. How about you? At the start of a new year, I invite/challenge/encourage you to listen to that still, small voice that whispers to you that you are His beloved and that His plans for you are personal, present, and filled with fullness.
If I may leave a verse with you that is not only relevant to the start of a new year, but to the start of every day. In Matthew 28 there is an Easter word—“HE is risen and going before you into Galilee.” I have claimed that promise countless times—-every time I enter a home, a hospital room, a funeral home, a tough conversation, a dreaded day. He has already gone before me into that room or experience or day and whatever it brings He is already there to join in it with me. So imagine what that means for 2024? He is already going before you. There will not be a single minute where He is not already going before you to give you His presence and power and love. So here’s to 2024 and to the One who has already gone before us and is now waiting for us to join with Him in discovering the difference His presence will make in your life.
Brave Journey,