Today (Wednesday) I will officiate a funeral for a longtime member of my church in Wake Forest.   This past week my brother died, and I appreciate and have been strengthened by the many expressions of sympathy.  My wife’s brother is in the hospital in VA struggling for a week with a serious infection.  Life is uncertain for all of us and it is not IF we die but WHEN.  

Some words by Daniel Day Williams not long before his death are worth remembering.  “There is a secret to the Christian life.  It is the secret of being willing to let go of all our particular prescriptions of how God ought to deal with us.  Without this we have not really learned what divine love is.  The Christian spirit,in the face of death, is whether we live or whether we die, we are the Lord’s. 

Our life is hidden with Christ in God.  I believe that God will do with my life and with every life, what an infinitely wise and caring God can and will do with it. This is enough, not only to live by but to die by as well.

Life is fragile but God can be trusted in all things.   I have leaned into this eternal hope once again this week. The foundations shake at times but remain strong. As the old hymn sings–“On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand.”   I hope you know that assurance as well.

Brave Journey, Bill