Traditions.   I love them and need them and so do you.  I learned of another one Sunday when ham biscuits were given out on Father’s Day at church.  Flowers given out on Mother’s Day. Our worship is traditional and not contemporary. 

I remember certain traditions growing up such as going out for ice cream after the Sunday night worship service or my father insisting on reading the Christmas story from Luke 2 before we opened the presents under the tree.  Traditions have a way of connecting us to something valuable and dependable in a world that seems to be ever chaotic and changing.   We even read in the Gospels that it was Jesus’ family tradition to remember the Lord’s Day and worship at the Temple.  What tradition for you comes to mind? 

This week another wonderful tradition is being lived out in our church—Vacation Bible School.  I can’t wait for what I often call “sacred pandemonium.”   Children will learn about the good news of Jesus Christ and who knows but that maybe a new tradition will begin in their lives. 

If you have some family tradition I can almost guarantee your children and grandchildren will one day be longing for it.   So here’s to ham biscuits, flowers, traditional worship and memories these traditions forever bring forth.  Hope to see you Sunday—a great tradition!!

Brave Journey, Bill