We Baptists are passionate people about the Bible. We like being known as a people of the (Book) Bible.   As a child I was raised up in the Baptist church. The first song I can remember learning begins like this:

 Jesus loves me this I know, for the Bible tells me so. This early belief was reinforced in the opening  assembly of Vacation Bible School when we’d recite the pledge to the Bible:

I pledge allegiance to the Bible, God’s Holy Word, and will make it a lamp unto my feet, a light unto my path, and hide its words in my heart that I might not sin against God.

A lot of what I am today, I owe to those faithful Baptist believers who have entrusted so much of the good news of the Bible to me. 

In Seminary, I learned the importance of Scripture passages such as II Timothy 3:14-17 and II Peter 1:20-21, which affirmed that all Scripture is God-breathed!

As a pastor and missionary, I was committed to preaching and teaching the Bible as God’s holy word. For this holy task, I affirmed the guidelines and principles of the 1963 version of the Baptist Faith and Message.

The purpose of the Bible is to instruct us for salvation through faith in Jesus and eternal service for God. The Bible teaches us the truth, rebukes error in our lives, corrects faults, and gives instruction for right living.

I look forward to studying the Bible with you.

Blessings,  Bill Duke