“Give us this day our daily bread.” It is a line in the Lord’s Prayer, We pray it all the time, often hardly giving a thought to each line. But this part of the prayer always almost leads me to pause and consider what this day has given me.

I am writing this on a Monday afternoon. Monday—another day—a normal day, no fireworks, no dramatic happenings, just Monday. So what does daily bread look like and why is it worthy of our prayers?

The Israelites making their way through the wilderness were daily provided manna from heaven. It was always just enough to feed them for that day but not enough for the next day. So each day they had to trust there would be enough for that day and that tomorrow there would be enough for that day. My guess is that it wasn’t always easy. Not knowing for sure about tomorrow and trusting only that there will be enough for today is a challenge that tests the most faithful of us.

There is that word ENOUGH. Today, Monday, normal day, I have enough and if I can pause long enough to give thanks for that, I realize everything I need is provided.

So give it a try. Say the prayer and give thanks that daily your needs are provided and that when tomorrow comes I can trust it to be provided as well. But don’t get ahead of God. What is the daily bread, the manna, in your life today that God has made possible. Well, for me, on this Monday I’m alive for another day and I have ENOUGH, indeed more than ENOUGH. Thank you God.

Brave Journey, Bill