On behalf of the Deacons and Personnel Committee I want to share with you that we have received a letter of resignation, effective immediately, from Anna Clark as our Youth Worker. We appreciate Anna’s ministry among us and affirm her desire to be more involved with her home church.

This seems to me to be a good and appropriate time to encourage all of you to express your appreciation to those who lead in ministry week in and week out. It cannot be said too much how blessed and fortunate our church is to be led by Risa, Cheryl and Peggy. They have given long years of faithful service and are the very best at what they do. They serve with a servant’s heart and do it without fanfare or need for recognition. That doesn’t mean, however, that they shouldn’t be given it. I hope you will find a way to let these leaders of our church know how much they are appreciated and what a difference they make.

Ministry, in the best of times, is often challenging. All the typical metrics of growth and impact are hard at times to measure and staying true to one’s calling demands a special level of faith and trust. Planting seeds, waking up each day to that day’s demands, requires making sure God is always the ultimate audience that you are giving your life to.

To Risa, to Cheryl, to Peggy—-heartfelt thanks. We could not imagine our church getting by without you and your ministry makes a difference and does not go unnoticed. What a team you are!

Brave Journey,